Not only cars but electric motorbikes are also starting to attract much attention from the public. Even though sales of electric motorbikes in Indonesia are minimal, people are starting to know about electric motorbikes.

Then, what made people start thinking about using electric motorbikes?

Based on the opinion of Toto Sukisno, a lecturer in Electrical Engineering Education at the Yogyakarta State University (UNY), electric motorbikes are in great demand because they are more economical than gasoline motorbikes.

Reporting from, the advantages of electric motors are as follows.

1. Reducing air pollution because it does not produce gas emissions

2. The sound of the motor is smoother, thereby reducing noise pollution

3. Maintenance is much easier because there is no need to change the oil or service the machine regularly

4. More efficient than using a fuel motor

When you want to buy an item, of course you don't only see the advantages but also the disadvantages. This aims to help consumers buy products wisely. Here are the disadvantages of electric motors.

1. Only some authorized repair shops

2. Charging stations are still limited

3. Limited mileage

4. Motor parts are still rare

Thus the discussion about electric motors that you need to know. The advantages and disadvantages of electric motors need to be known before deciding to buy one. Let's learn to be wise in choosing and buying goods.

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