There are certain conditions where you need to drain the tank, which is when you fill up the wrong fuel or it is full of mud due to certain incidents. There is a proper way to drain the fuel tank, here are the steps:
Use the Car Until the Fuel Runs Out
As long as the gas tank contains fuel that suits your car, use the car until the fuel is almost gone. Then, you can park the car and wait for the engine to cool down before starting the drain. By applying this strategy, you can reduce the frequency of pumping and draining that you have to do by leaving only a small amount of fuel to drain.
Purchase a Fuel Suction System
Fuel siphons are often sold at spare parts stores. The operation is easy, you just need to manually siphon fuel from the car into a container. Make sure the fuel siphon used is suitable for flammable materials, so as not to cause an unwanted disaster.
Pump Until the Fuel Comes Out
When pumping fuel from the tank, make sure you have a container ready. You can also hold the end of the hose to prevent it from moving as the fuel flows. If you don't have a pump, a spare hose can be a substitute. You just need to insert the spare hose into the tank, then blow on the hose to push air into the tank which forces fuel out of the other hose.
Remove the Hose and Refill the Tank
When the tank is empty, you can remove the hose that was previously used. The tank can also be flushed and refilled with the appropriate fuel.
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