Jakarta – Tiara Marga Trakindo Group successfully held HSE Leader Talks on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. This event is part of TMT Group's National OSH Month 2025 event series. Similar to TMT Group's BK3N 2025 theme, this year's HSE Leader Talks also carried the theme “Improve K3 Culture to Strengthen Work Productivity”, and was held in a hybrid format, online via Zoom and offline at Tiara Room, TMT Building, South Jakarta.

The event featured Mr. Suwandi Wiratno, President Director of CSULfinance, as the moderator and Mr. Bari Hamami, Director of PT Tiara Marga Trakindo, as the guest speaker. HSE Leader Talks was also attended by the board of directors under TMT Group and all TMT Group employees throughout Indonesia.

Mr. Bari Hamami said that vision and core values, leadership, communication, employee engagement, inclusion and diversity, learning and development, work-life balance, innovation, community and social responsibility, and consistency are the main components of creating a corporate culture.

At the end of the session, Mr. Bari delivered a closing speech. “In conclusion, I urge all TMT Group leaders to implement OHS culture in their daily lives, not because of SOP demands, but as an awareness of every employee that the implementation of OHS is a must so that we are always safe, and safe at work and outside work,” he concluded.

Towards the end of the event, participants who attended online and offline were given the opportunity to ask questions directly to Mr. Bari regarding HSE Culture. This HSE Leader Talks is expected to increase the awareness and understanding of all TMT Group employees on the importance of OHS culture in supporting work productivity.

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