Jakarta - The 20th Infobank Multifinance Award 2024 was held on July 26, 2024 at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta. This year, CSULfinance honoured to get the appreciation from Infobank Multifinance Award 2024 as one of The Excellent Performance Multifinance Company (Asset Rp 5 Trillion > Rp 10 Trillion).

The Excellent Performance Multifinance Company category is the result of an assessment of the performance of finance companies conducted by the Infobank research team, and carried out with several stages to determine the title of “The Excellent Performance”.

This award was received directly by Mr. Suwandi Wiratno as President Director of CSULfinance. The predicate is the result of CSULfinance's stable performance, as well as the commitment of all CSULfinance employees to continuously improve the quality and best service to all debtors.

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